
Cafayate’s Colors

First, we go to the Lerma Valley (where Saltenian Tobacco is grown) until we reach the rail station of “Alemanía”; then, we go to the unique Las Conchas Gorge which has several geological formations created by wind and rain erosion and which received different names such as La Garganta del Diablo (The Devil’s Throat), El Anfiteatro (The Amphitheater), El Sapo (The Frog), El Fraile (The Friar), Los Castillos (The Castles), Las Ventanas (The Windows), and others.

When we reach Cafayate, we visit some wine cellars, where you will learn about how grapevines are grown, the making of wines and you will be able to taste excellent wines. Then we have lunch, take a stroll around the town and, in the afternoon, we come back to Salta, doing several photo stops.

Departure: 7.30 a.m. / Return: 7.30 p.m.
